Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Bla bla

To whom it may concern, do not stalk this blog k.hahahaha.

Friday, 17 August 2012

Passion Is Not Enough

I am not sure if my passion to become a doctor is a really boundless enthusiasm. Waniey!! Wake up and be strong, u have just finished one posting. Do not give up to soon. I'm not sure if I can pass my surgery posting. I am so bad in handling with failure because I never failed in my preclinical years.

I have no intention to brag, tapi seriously masa year 1 and year 2 xpernah pun takut failed cuma less confident je. Tak tau la, nak cakap basic science strong sangat tu takde la. Tak dapat dean list pun tapi alhamdulillah dari first block until last block, dapat maintain result B and B-. Masa tu in my opinion, berbekalkan result macam nie boleh la bawak pegi clinical years, cuma nak kena improve sikit.

But I was wrong, my basic science is so weak that during the BST, I cant answer basic pathology and anatomy questions. Bukan nak improve sikit, nak kena improve banyak kot. Bila lecturer dah buat how-can-she-pass-first prof exam-facial-expression, mulalah rasa down. "Oh my God, dont tell me you dont know this. Your anatomist will commit suicide, bla bla..." Ayat2 di atas sangat sarcastic dan langsung tak motivated, tapi deep inside my heart I feel I deserve them.

Dua ke tiga soalan tu ok lagi la. Tapi bila dah kena serangan bertubi2 boleh jadi cardiogenic shock. Bukan takut jawab salah. Ye, memang betol we learn from mistake, jangan takut buat silap. Tapi masalahnya otak memang kosong sampai tak boleh nak hentam. "Oh my God, I can see smoke coming from her head". Hmm...masa tu rasa diri dah sama level dengan Patrick.

"Kitak sik apa Wany, kitak kuat. Kamek sik pernah tengok kitak nangis" Menangis tak semestinya lemah. Dan dalam hidup, tak semestinya orang yang kuat akan terus kuat. Kalau explode boleh jadi lebih lemah dari orang yang selalu menangis.

Am I over reacting?? Saya tau semua orang cakap susah. Medic is the toughest course in the world. Tapi tu bukan alasan untuk sedapkan hati. Kalau macam tu sampai bila nak improve??

 I am disappointed..


Saturday, 7 April 2012

My Chronological Achivements

Everyone must achieve something throughout their lives. It may not be the best but somehow there is must be something that has been accomplished. Compare straight 10 A's with only 5A's in exam, actually both are achievements. It depends on how you react on what you get. Sometime someone may have everything but still not be happy nor satisfied.

For me, kalau dah lulus tu cukup.. Alhamdulillah~~~ I have passed my first professional exam, but I still do not know my grad. Next week, there will be a meeting with my mentor. Nak briefing pasal year 3 and bagi detail on first prof result. Memang dah jadi kebiasaan kitaorang jumpa mentor bila result dah keluar (tu pun sebab kawan ajak.hehe) 

In my opinion, Malaysia is one of the worst exam-oriented in terms of academic achievements. So, I would like to share what I manage to accomplished so far. It might not be the best, but I'm happy with it.

UPSR (primary school) - 4A1B
PMR (secondary school) - 8A
SPM (secondary school) - 9A2B
Matriculation (pre-university) - 3.90

It's all about how hard you try in your life, even if you have failed, your struggle to strive for success is so great you will feel no remorse. I still have a long journey, wish me luck!!!!