Thursday, 11 August 2011

ReSeaRch WriTing?? I'm So BLurrrrr

Read at your own risk-entri tok sgt panjang dan boring. Juz luahan rasa org yg kepak and blur

Such a GREAT PLEASURE after finished nervous system exam last week. I thought this week I can return to the equilibrium, having a form of mild ecstasy comes from my frontal lobe. Kuar ayat doktor.hehe. In simple word, its a relaxation. ^_^ But I was wrong for taking into my mind that this elective week is gonna be easy and less work to do. Baruk jak nak bersuka ria, beronggeng bsama kawan2 (eleh, sak time bz pun da masa nak beronggeng) for the whole week before starting the next block : gastrointestinal system on the next week.

This elective course is compulsory part of phase 1 medical programme curriculum. It is to give research exposure and provide opportunity for the year 2 student to participate and appreciate the process involved in the research. Bukan senang wo. Pening palak, mcm2 jak mok d pk. Diperah2 dh utak tok ckit jak idea klua.haha. Mulanya pening carik supervisor. Alhamdulillah dapat Mr Hairol, expert dalam immunology and microbiology. So ada kenak mengenak dengan jenis research group mek org which consist of 4 people. We have discussed to do lab based research rather than questionnaire. Questionnaire susah ckit menurut kata senior. So our tittle for research is Retrospective study to investigate the link between waterborne diseases and water quality. 

beautiful blue bacteria.kck owh?

Water quality? Gney ya owh? Tauk minum jak nak? Yang penting aek ya msti dmasak dolok. That's all I know. So I did some google and I found there are 6 standard parameters for water quality. Banyak gilak ya, we have to focus and make it narrow, so its easy for us to analyse the data. To relate it with waterborne disease, we choose the parameter of MICROBIOLOGICAL assessment of water quality. It means we need to obtain sample from certain area in Kuching and then culture the bacteria in lab. Tapi masalahnya cney nak ambik sample. We are going to assess the drinking@tap water instead of environment natural water like river. Sebab kinek tok agik2 mun di Kuching ada ka org minum aek dari SUNGEI??? Xda nak? Maok kenak CHOLERA ka?haha. Mesti dari la paip nk. Tapi yg meneritkan urat otak mun aek paip ada ka BACTERIA yg possible di culture?? Aek paip kan dah DIRAWAT? Mestila baceria dah mati. Mun x ari2 byk org knk DIARRHEA. Mun nak ambik sample dari sungei kompem banyak species bacteria dalam ya, mcm2 rupa tapi mslhnya x relevan ambik sample dr river and linknya dgn WATERBRONE DISEASES. Xkan ada org yg minum aek sungei mun ada aek paip nak? Org nektok pun knowledge dh btambah bah. Mcm my dear mom pdh, aek minum msti dmasak pake bunoh KUMAN2 katanya.haha. Then I said, ktk nampak ka kuman2 ya mak?loyar burok bna.haha. Mmg ada possibility bacteria dalam aek paip MUN paip ya contaminated and kadang2 mud also can seep through the pipe system. Ya cuma possibility. I am afraid the outcome is not what as we expected. Argghhhh!!
cholera bacteria.bacillus in shape.sja ngkah pict, boring baca ayat pnjg2 owh?

Yg soh tensionnya we are going to be assessed at the end of our research project. Menurut my buddy, panel2 ya suka BOMBARD student dgn soklan2 yg berbunyi xpuas ati. Takut eyh. Xpa, lak Kok Ken jawab.haha. So this week mesti habiskan proposal and must have solid idea, xda rough2 idea gik. Aritok tek paling kepak, dari pagi sampey petang blaja statistic. Boringnya. This whole week full of research-based lectures.huhuhu. Xpt nk relax, mggu dpn dh start block baru.aiya. But I had learned 2 new things. 1. How to use ENDNOTE. Its a software tool to manage and publish bibliography. Tok penting dalam literature review in which setiap ayat mesti ada citation@references to support. 2. Make a good use of PUBMED, a national library of medicine which consist about 19 millions articles.

Dahla, boring eyh cita psl tok seboring what I felt during the lecture just now. I warned u.hehe. Saja jak bah. Lmk x post something. babai~~