Being a doctor has much more meaning than what it is defined as. Dolok masa kecik2, cita2 byk yg mok jadi doktor bila dh besar. Mak bapak pun kebanyakkannya suroh anak jadi doktor. Kenak oww? Bez gilak ka mun jadi doktor? But for me, the reason why I have always dream of career in medicine is bukannya semata-mata for money or the glamour even though I admit it pays well.hehe.
Actually, I would like to feel the satisfaction that I would get from knowing that I made a difference in someone’s life. Actually, dolok masa lower form I chosed to make lawyer as my profession. Tapi lepas PMR and masok kelas sains tulen,cita2 jadi lawyer pun semakin pudar and I realized that I was starting to be fascinated in the field of study of human body compared to the other sciences subjects. Sebab ya salu score Bio kot (ceh,bgga Cikgu Arishah,my Bio teacher)
Then, the urge to become a doctor has grown in my heart everyday since then. Walaupun bukan blaja kat skolah2 pandey and terpilih, ya bukan alasan xdapat excellent performance. Excellence can be achieved by an ordinary student who works extra ordinary hard right? Agree? You must agree. ^.^ Then, after passed with flying colour results in my SPM and subsequently matriculation examination, I was really inspired to enter a medical school.
Thank God, I managed to get the offer for medicine course in UNIMAS after I made it as my first choice in UPU. I also got the offer from USM medical school in Kubang Kerian tapi xmok kat cya coz xda kawan and very far from home. Bukannya xmok blaja jaoh. Mun maok jaoh xmok alang2, mok oversea terus. Cita2 nak pegi Ireland tapi offer JPA dpt kt Mesir. Susah xda basic bhsa Arab. So, last2 pegi Unimas. Dekat jak, I can drive home everyday and also watching spongebob everyday.heee~
During my first week, I felt so excited but at the same time I was afraid that I made a wrong choice since medicine is one of the toughest course together with engineering. It is true that medicine is a science of uncertainty and an art of probability as the proverb says. Nang takut juak eyh, banyak nak diblaja dalam masa yg singkat. Lagikpun kinek tok 5 tahun jak nk graduate. Mun dolok 7 tahun bah. Nang compact la silibus. Takut xpat cope.
But I have to take it as a challenge and always think positive. For me, nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Rami org anggap bila dh ambik medic alu la jd skema, xbergaul ngn org, bergerek ngn buku n bla2. Being a medical student did not stop me from doing my favourite hobbies and activities such as playing the piano and having a great time with my family members. Pernah x dgr all work and no play makes Jake a dull boy? Phm nk? However, study is still my top priority. I enjoyed study and lectures walaupun kadang2 da lecturer juz baca slide jk (lak bisin padah student x pandey polah presentation,baca slide jk.oops.hehe) Tapi ya bukan alasan. Lecture just provide guides on what to learn. 90% must come from our own effort.
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