I have also learned that getting a good grade did not make anybody a good doctor. Menurut kata senior, ada student yang excellent masa 2 years of learning basic science skills (masa tok just attend kuliah n kdg2 jak ada visit hospital) xsemestinya excellent in clinical years. In my opinion, great doctor had to possess the qualities of perseverance, empathy, compassion and good listening skills which are some of these qualities are not thought in the lectures.
Selain ya, I always believe that the trust and relationship between the doctor and the patient matters a lot. It is not just the medicine that cure the patient. Kdg2 ada doktor muka bengis suroh pesakit makin sakit especially mun patient ya org tua.ish2. Coba nya cerik mun nya kt tmpt pesakit ya. Mmg la doktor tok busy byk pesakit, tapi x susah bh nk senyum nk. Soft skills mcm tok la yg penting.
Ada sigek movie, Patch Adams tok which is based on true story on how a doctor became famous after his unconventional approach to medicine. Yg bez nya, he approach the patients on different ways compared to the other medical student who thinks doctors must distance themselves from patients. Tapi movie tok quite old dh la. Interested to watch, click here for the trailer.
Pasal cuti gik. Tok la part yg kurang bez. Memang xbanyak cuti. Paling lamak cuti pun 2 weeks tapi ya study weeks, so x dianggap cuti la.haha. Kadang2 jeles juak diat kawan2 cuti berbulan2. Dapat ngando tido. Dirik tek gago bangun awal pagi turun kuliah.huhu. Tapi xpa. Tok la pengorbanan. Of course, there will be more sacrifices in the career itself 4 years later. Mesti carik hubby yg understanding la tok (I want an engineer and I’m still waiting for someone.Melalut agik.hehe.^_^)
Regarding my progression now, so far, I perform well in examinations. My friends and lecturers had helped me a lot. I was so thankful for succeeding to move forward a step ahead after passing the end of year 1 exam. Alhamdulillah, tapi sedeh la bcoz some of my friends could not make it and have to repeat year 1 again. Berpisahlah mek org. Alu kurang sorang lam geng mek orang. :( I have to look forward and I hope I can go through another tough year very well and proceed to the clinical years in Sibu next year. Weeee!!!!!
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